PhD Assistance and Guidance

PhD Assistance and Guidance

Trentrix is the first and the leading Research Academy, the best Ph.D. Assistance and Guidance, the best Ph.D. Consultancy Services & in the field of research and publication which has successfully mentoring research scholars for Ph.D. Assistance & Ph.D. Guidance for the past two decades. Our Ph.D. Assistance and Guidance service include overall Ph.D. guidance and Ph.D. Assistance and support to candidates from various parts of the world. Our journey began with one branch in (1996), which has now expanded to 8 branches in India serving the National and International research and doctoral community. Trentrix is a leading PhD Assistance and Guidance firm with locations across India, including Chennai, Mumbai, Kerala, and other cities.

Professional Assistance & Guidance

More than 10,000 Doctorates successfully completed their Doctoral Degree by our expert Ph.D. Assistance and Guidance. Currently, more than 600 research scholars avail of our services for their Ph.D. Assistance & Ph.D. Guidance Support. Trentrix's Ph.D. Assistance and Guidance have Advisory Board members in all Universities and more than 600 guides in all over India. Trentrix's Ph.D. Assistance and Guidance assist or guide research scholars publish papers in a peer-reviewed journal with a high impact factor (IEEE, SCI/ Web of Science, Scopus, Elsevier, Springer, UGC care list Journals) according to current UGC regulation.

Ph.D. Assistance and Guidance at Trentrix, comprise a young dynamic team of Professionals, Editors, and Native English Writers, Research Programmers, Advisory Board members who are dedicated and committed towards the company's vision and mission to Ph.D. assistance and guidance at every step in research work. Our Ph.D. Assistance and Guidance team has assisted scholars, research writers from various top universities in India, Ethiopia, Canada, etc. We stand out in terms of service excellence, on-time delivery, with detailed technical demonstrations stepwise and support services 24/7. We possess expertise in implementing innovative concepts using MATLAB, NS2/ NS3, JAVA, Python, CADENCE, SPSS Analysis, etc.. We offer Synopsis, Research Paper Writing, Ph.D. Thesis Writing, Dissertation Writing, Research implementation Services, Scopus, ISI/SCI Indexed Journal Publication, University Admission, Guides Services.